Get it girl.

I am all over the place in terms of growth. It feels like everything is in overdrive. The more I stay detached to all external ‘things’, the more ‘ah-ha’ moments that seem to present themselves… I just completed a week with some of the most energetic people I’ve EVER met! If endorphins could be bottled,Continue reading “Get it girl.”

Unrequited love. Planting roots. Building bookcases.

“Jess, this is for when you move back to the USA and get your own place.” I’m entering a new chapter and this is the thought that keeps creeping into my mind. During the moments of quiet, the voice of my mommabear comes in. And just like that, I’m offered an opportunity to stuff theContinue reading “Unrequited love. Planting roots. Building bookcases.”

Reframing: My Impact on the World

Rocky is BAE (Before Anything Else). Well, I say that Rocky is BAE when really I should be saying that I am BAE. My needs. My desires. My wants. I should come first. Making myself a priority has its challenges. I come from a family that prioritised the needs of others before self. This hasContinue reading “Reframing: My Impact on the World”

Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE

“Hey, can we talk about something?” “Of course, what happened?” I LOVE LOVE LOVE that my life is filled with people that respond like this. For years, the response was “What’s wrong?” A response that puts me in a place of guilt and wanting to be invisible. “What is it now?” A response that isContinue reading “Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE”

‘I am not my thoughts. I am the awareness beyond them’

Reminding myself that the Universe is speaking to me. Offering messages to help me, teach me, inspire me. Some messages are welcomed and others are massively unexpected. Everything is what I need… perhaps not what I want but always what I need.

Evolving perspective on Paranoia: C-PTSD

One of my favourite things about creating new habits is observing the shift within. Running has been my go-to for over 20 years. To this day, it’s such a magical moment when my mind shifts from circular (and counterproductive) conversations to absolute clarity. It’s as if a lightbulb is switched on. Or perhaps the bloodContinue reading “Evolving perspective on Paranoia: C-PTSD”

Mental Health: Reflecting on stability

One of the challenges of the month is to push out words, daily. The easiest time for me to push out words is when I first wake up. When I catch myself in the space between sleeping and awake. It’s when I am in flow. When my conscious mind allows my subconscious to take theContinue reading “Mental Health: Reflecting on stability”

Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care

My dreams are getting active once again. It’s a sign of alignment between my consciousness and subconsciousness. Rather than focus on what happened in the dream, I spent a few minutes observing how I was feeling. What was I still holding onto? Who was the teacher offering me a valuable lesson? And more importantly, whatContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care”

Internal negotiations to practice Self Care

Last night I had the pleasure to share a meal with some kindred souls. During the dinner, I realised a few things about myself. Powerful things. Obviously these things are in my heart and fueling the words for this post… I’m really talented at articulating things. Feelings. Situations. And then outlining various perspectives. I’ve beenContinue reading “Internal negotiations to practice Self Care”

“Home” is a state of Being

Traditionally, my home has been my sanctuary. It’s a place for me to be me. Not who society wants me to be. Not who my family expects me to be. But a place for me to unapologetically be me. A place where I can buy $50 of red grapes, $100 of soft cheese and theContinue reading ““Home” is a state of Being”