Planting Roots. Holding Space. Being Seen.

Allowing myself time to digest all the magic that took place last month. October is Domestic Violence awareness month. Throughout the month, I published a series on Linkedin to simply have a conversation. I shared my tips on how I was (and continue) to crush goals (create magic) in public whilst dealing with domestic violenceContinue reading “Planting Roots. Holding Space. Being Seen.”

Art of Receiving. Art of Reciprocity.

I’m constantly surrounded by love. I know this in the deepest part of my soul. My heart is sometimes overwhelmed with pain. My head gets distracted with trying to quantify things. But my soul knows. It always knows. When my grandfather transitioned, I felt a part of my heart go with him. I felt veryContinue reading “Art of Receiving. Art of Reciprocity.”

8 Aspects to consider when recovering from Trauma

Rewiring after narcissistic abuse takes time. It takes a LOT of self care. It can be exhausting to figure out who to trust only to realise it’s not about trusting others as much as remembering to trust yourself. It’s about consistently needing to qualify your intuition as the abuse has clouded your ability to discernContinue reading “8 Aspects to consider when recovering from Trauma”

With love, Stepping into my Fullness

Dearest Jess, Can I just say… WOW. I’m in absolute awe. The last few weeks have offered a number of opportunities for you step out of your integrity and you were graceful… The easy thing to do is to flex. To hit back harder than you were hit. You have such a beautiful way withContinue reading “With love, Stepping into my Fullness”

You Are Always in My Heart

Hey Jess! Heck ya! It’s time to pause and celebrate! It’s been a massive month! Housing has been a hot mess but that’s only because you believed in the potential of others. Now that you are accepting people for who/what they are, things are getting more stable. It’s not an easy truth as everyone isContinue reading “You Are Always in My Heart”

Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People

In the context of domestic violence. This tugs on my heartstring (covert abuse). Especially after accepting another truth last night. Last night, I realized I had 12 visitors and 438 views on my blog. I’m a big data person. This is an indicator that my family is bored. They are looking for information to stirContinue reading “Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People”

Acknowledging​ a Season of Expansion

Today, I have an all-day meditation sit. Vipassana. The month has been filled with a number of shifts. I’ve stayed ahead of the shifts, mentally, emotionally, spiritually… and now it’s time to rebalance and make sure my cup of love is filled to the brim. Meditation, in general, has been so powerful. Meditating allows meContinue reading “Acknowledging​ a Season of Expansion”

Dear Kindred Soul

Dear Kindred Soul, Thank you for being… The Universe is starting to present me with kindred souls. Or perhaps my heart is finally clear enough to embrace the souls that I need, not want but need. I still have the occasional sidestep of chasing the souls of a previous life (familiar souls), the cortisol addictionContinue reading “Dear Kindred Soul”

Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE

“Hey, can we talk about something?” “Of course, what happened?” I LOVE LOVE LOVE that my life is filled with people that respond like this. For years, the response was “What’s wrong?” A response that puts me in a place of guilt and wanting to be invisible. “What is it now?” A response that isContinue reading “Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE”

Prayers Go Up, Blessings Come Down

A statement that keeps surfacing is ‘do not allow others to block your blessings.’ This is such a powerful statement. I used to call people season, reason, lifetime. Simplifying to this new mantra: BYE! DO NOT BLOCK MY BLESSINGS simply makes me laugh. A dear friend is the one that keeps saying it. She’s myContinue reading “Prayers Go Up, Blessings Come Down”