INTERVIEW: International Convention of Psychiatry and Mental Health

Grateful to have shared a virtual stage with one of the literal smartest men in the world. In addition, he coined the term narc fleas. My Recovery Journey came with a lot of plot twists. It was lonely. Heartbreaking then Enlightening. Isolating then Freeing. Everything and Nothing. It was pure Darkness then Light. Essentially, it’s shedding the role I thought I had to play to create space for the person I truly am.

Are you a Sunday Morning person?

One of the best things about quarantine is realising I was living my ideal life. A life I was actually proud of. It took me 18 months of active building to create this life. A life I did not need to escape. In my flow of doing what made me feel alive. A flow ofContinue reading “Are you a Sunday Morning person?”

8 Aspects to consider when recovering from Trauma

Rewiring after narcissistic abuse takes time. It takes a LOT of self care. It can be exhausting to figure out who to trust only to realise it’s not about trusting others as much as remembering to trust yourself. It’s about consistently needing to qualify your intuition as the abuse has clouded your ability to discernContinue reading “8 Aspects to consider when recovering from Trauma”

Making amends with myself

Dear Jess, It’s been a long minute but I need to share something. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting others before you for so long. I’m sorry for forcing you into a cycle of constantly recovering from adversity. I’m sorry that I allowed you to think you were not enough. I’m sorry for a lotContinue reading “Making amends with myself”

#MeToo – sharing my story at open mic night in Chicago

My intention for the night was simply to take a break from my writing. To be invisible amongst a crowd of strangers. Take a break from my journey by supporting others… I hesitantly joined an event in the city with a trusted friend. A few months ago, I made myself vulnerable by publishing my storyContinue reading “#MeToo – sharing my story at open mic night in Chicago”

Hubbard High School (Chicago)

Visits home are typically spent with family and minimal amount of time to see friends. This trip, I was VERY fortunate to be invited to speak with high schoolers about my experiences in Asia. We covered a bunch of topics related to infrastructure, starting conversations with strangers, and thriving outside your comfort zone. Very interestingContinue reading “Hubbard High School (Chicago)”