Are you a Sunday Morning person?

One of the best things about quarantine is realising I was living my ideal life. A life I was actually proud of. It took me 18 months of active building to create this life. A life I did not need to escape. In my flow of doing what made me feel alive. A flow ofContinue reading “Are you a Sunday Morning person?”

6 Lessons Learned: Breaking My Silence

Breaking the silence on abuse is not always possible. It can be very dangerous. Depending on the type of abuse and the emotional stability (or lack thereof) of the abuser, it can lead to murder. That said, I have found great comfort in a few truths… Reputation I would rather people think I’m “crazy” andContinue reading “6 Lessons Learned: Breaking My Silence”

Get it girl.

I am all over the place in terms of growth. It feels like everything is in overdrive. The more I stay detached to all external ‘things’, the more ‘ah-ha’ moments that seem to present themselves… I just completed a week with some of the most energetic people I’ve EVER met! If endorphins could be bottled,Continue reading “Get it girl.”

Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People

In the context of domestic violence. This tugs on my heartstring (covert abuse). Especially after accepting another truth last night. Last night, I realized I had 12 visitors and 438 views on my blog. I’m a big data person. This is an indicator that my family is bored. They are looking for information to stirContinue reading “Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People”

5 Principles for Self-Care

Oftentimes, I receive ‘random’ messages from people in my social network. They compliment my bravery to share my story of domestic violence. They confess my vulnerability created space for them to also be vulnerable. They adopt some of my healthy habits in their life. The sky is the limit on comments that slide into myContinue reading “5 Principles for Self-Care”

Acknowledging​ a Season of Expansion

Today, I have an all-day meditation sit. Vipassana. The month has been filled with a number of shifts. I’ve stayed ahead of the shifts, mentally, emotionally, spiritually… and now it’s time to rebalance and make sure my cup of love is filled to the brim. Meditation, in general, has been so powerful. Meditating allows meContinue reading “Acknowledging​ a Season of Expansion”

Self-discipline is self-love

“Self-discipline is self-love.” My mornings are sacred. I spend time welcoming the sun, writing some words, making a phenomenal breakfast… or just allowing myself space to dance around my head (a majority of my day is dancing in my heart so time to dance in my head is quite special. I’m spending a week withContinue reading “Self-discipline is self-love”

Honouring my existence on Father’s Day

Honouring people is easy. Celebrating people is easy. What’s not easy is coming to terms that sometimes the people we love are in so much pain that they cause us a great deal of pain. AND what’s very difficult is focusing on self-care to honour and celebrate me. In the last 2 years, I’ve writtenContinue reading “Honouring my existence on Father’s Day”

Internal negotiations to practice Self Care

Last night I had the pleasure to share a meal with some kindred souls. During the dinner, I realised a few things about myself. Powerful things. Obviously these things are in my heart and fueling the words for this post… I’m really talented at articulating things. Feelings. Situations. And then outlining various perspectives. I’ve beenContinue reading “Internal negotiations to practice Self Care”

Journey to Peace; where is my focus?

About 6 months ago I asked myself a simple question. Well, I thought it was a simple question. WHAT DOES JOURNEY TO PEACE MEAN? In short… it means come to terms that my my biological family doesn’t love me in a conventional way. They love me in a do as I say otherwise I’ll killContinue reading “Journey to Peace; where is my focus?”