When a person goes through a life changing moment, they cling onto something. That ONE thing might seem insignificant but it’s everything and nothing. It’s the friend on a dark day. It’s a comfort when the walls are caving in. It’s the safe place and also the go-to for sharing a mini victory. It’s sacred.
Tag Archives: Growth
Empower Myself through Self Care Practices
As the decade comes to a close, I cannot help but think about all the progress I’ve made personally, professionally and spiritually. About 500 days ago, I made a promise to myself. The promise was to make Chicago home. Turn a city of pain into my new playground. Create a life filled with love. HoldContinue reading “Empower Myself through Self Care Practices”
Acknowledging a Season of Expansion
Today, I have an all-day meditation sit. Vipassana. The month has been filled with a number of shifts. I’ve stayed ahead of the shifts, mentally, emotionally, spiritually… and now it’s time to rebalance and make sure my cup of love is filled to the brim. Meditation, in general, has been so powerful. Meditating allows meContinue reading “Acknowledging a Season of Expansion”
Potential in Others vs Potential in Self
Every once in a while I cross paths with something that challenges every single thought process. It’s a safe place to expand. It’s a place where I can dance between heart and crown. A place where there is growth AND healing at the same time. There are no emotional hangovers. Perhaps an increase in aloneContinue reading “Potential in Others vs Potential in Self”
Making amends with myself
Dear Jess, It’s been a long minute but I need to share something. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting others before you for so long. I’m sorry for forcing you into a cycle of constantly recovering from adversity. I’m sorry that I allowed you to think you were not enough. I’m sorry for a lotContinue reading “Making amends with myself”
Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care
My dreams are getting active once again. It’s a sign of alignment between my consciousness and subconsciousness. Rather than focus on what happened in the dream, I spent a few minutes observing how I was feeling. What was I still holding onto? Who was the teacher offering me a valuable lesson? And more importantly, whatContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care”
Internal negotiations to practice Self Care
Last night I had the pleasure to share a meal with some kindred souls. During the dinner, I realised a few things about myself. Powerful things. Obviously these things are in my heart and fueling the words for this post… I’m really talented at articulating things. Feelings. Situations. And then outlining various perspectives. I’ve beenContinue reading “Internal negotiations to practice Self Care”
Global Goodwill Ambassador
A month ago, I was acknowledged. I was validated. I was honoured for some pretty intense [humanitarian] work. About a year ago, I decided to turn into my pain and confront a troubled relationship. During the process, I was able to identify who was helping me heal and who was helping my oppressor cause additionalContinue reading “Global Goodwill Ambassador”
My higher self is my best friend
I’m not even going to pretend. Most of my life is in autopilot. This has served me well because I cannot remember the last time that I was in normal situations. When greeted with dysfunction, I tighten my ponytail, smile, and navigate the sea like a 70+-year-old sailor. It’s NOT my first rodeo and IContinue reading “My higher self is my best friend”
Emotional Resilience: My recovery cycle – from 3 weeks to 18 hours !
OVERVIEW An abuser will come out to play and try to start trouble in my lane. They will say things to get me to question my reality. They will plant seeds to get me to question my sanity. They will plant a seed to get me to question who I can trust. Emotional abuse isContinue reading “Emotional Resilience: My recovery cycle – from 3 weeks to 18 hours !”