Internal negotiations to practice Self Care

Last night I had the pleasure to share a meal with some kindred souls. During the dinner, I realised a few things about myself. Powerful things. Obviously these things are in my heart and fueling the words for this post… I’m really talented at articulating things. Feelings. Situations. And then outlining various perspectives. I’ve beenContinue reading “Internal negotiations to practice Self Care”

Journey to Peace; where is my focus?

About 6 months ago I asked myself a simple question. Well, I thought it was a simple question. WHAT DOES JOURNEY TO PEACE MEAN? In short… it means come to terms that my my biological family doesn’t love me in a conventional way. They love me in a do as I say otherwise I’ll killContinue reading “Journey to Peace; where is my focus?”

I opened my heart to attract my tribe

I have been surrounding myself with water signs… and air signs… and then the occasional fire signs. Typically my world is fire signs. I think it’s easiest to dance when surrounded by fire signs! Fire signs like to seek adventure. Experiences. Lots of them. There is no such thing as a bad experience. It’s eitherContinue reading “I opened my heart to attract my tribe”

Global Goodwill Ambassador

A month ago, I was acknowledged. I was validated. I was honoured for some pretty intense [humanitarian] work. About a year ago, I decided to turn into my pain and confront a troubled relationship. During the process, I was able to identify who was helping me heal and who was helping my oppressor cause additionalContinue reading “Global Goodwill Ambassador”

You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.

Dear Jess, This year was one for the books. It’s a year that defined you in so many ways. A few weeks ago, you described the year in a single word BETRAYAL. I’d like to correct you. The year can be summed up with a different word, LOVE. You found love where it didn’t exist.Continue reading “You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.”

Sweetest Day: Connecting with another pure soul…

Every once in a while, I connect with a pure soul. Lumpy bits but pure in every single capacity. The pureness is with the looks, the grabs, the intended and the unintended moments.

Conversations with self whilst others help me look for my smile…

Sometimes all I need is having someone smile when my name pops up on their phone. I have friends sprinkled around the world. I’m extremely blessed because some of these friends have become my family. Actually, all of them are in my heart space. All.of.them. They know who they are. They know what they meanContinue reading “Conversations with self whilst others help me look for my smile…”

Broken vs Evil… is there a difference?

I started this entry on August 31. A few days after I left ‘home’. My mother was having open heart surgery, meaning I had to deal with the most manipulative person in the entire world (her son). Her son had distorted her reality to a point where she was already a shell. When she’s notContinue reading “Broken vs Evil… is there a difference?”

My higher self is my best friend

I’m not even going to pretend. Most of my life is in autopilot. This has served me well because I cannot remember the last time that I was in normal situations. When greeted with dysfunction, I tighten my ponytail, smile, and navigate the sea like a 70+-year-old sailor. It’s NOT my first rodeo and IContinue reading “My higher self is my best friend”

“How do you feel about guns in the house?”

A question that keeps coming up. “Jess, how do you feel about guns in the house?” Such a loaded question, no pun intended… *awkward sigh* Well, being a survivor of domestic violence, specifically gun violence, this question is rather complex. I do not have a straightforward answer. I’m not entirely sure how to address thisContinue reading ““How do you feel about guns in the house?””