INTERVIEW: International Convention of Psychiatry and Mental Health

Grateful to have shared a virtual stage with one of the literal smartest men in the world. In addition, he coined the term narc fleas. My Recovery Journey came with a lot of plot twists. It was lonely. Heartbreaking then Enlightening. Isolating then Freeing. Everything and Nothing. It was pure Darkness then Light. Essentially, it’s shedding the role I thought I had to play to create space for the person I truly am.

21 in 2021: Lifestyle Reboot

Celebrity Personal Trainer and Resilience Expert bring you a simple 21-day programme to get your health back on track! Our goal is to help you earn The Best Body Ever! Contact us today!

Resilience: The art of being a Lighthouse

There are so many thoughts racing through my mind at the moment. I believe the Universe is urging me to connect the dots… the dots being mental wellness and the corporate world. Are the two related? If yes, how? To me, it’s about being a lighthouse. And to be a lighthouse, one must have heightenedContinue reading “Resilience: The art of being a Lighthouse”