A few years ago I decided to break my silence. I didn’t know what I was walking into. I just knew when I told friends in private, it did not result in safe situations. My options were to continue to ignore the darkness, embrace more darkness or expose all of the darkness in public. TheContinue reading “Bittersweet beginning: Breaking My Silence”
Tag Archives: Invisible Wounds
Art of Receiving. Art of Reciprocity.
I’m constantly surrounded by love. I know this in the deepest part of my soul. My heart is sometimes overwhelmed with pain. My head gets distracted with trying to quantify things. But my soul knows. It always knows. When my grandfather transitioned, I felt a part of my heart go with him. I felt veryContinue reading “Art of Receiving. Art of Reciprocity.”
Recalibrate and DEFINE a new normal.
*I’ve been writing whilst off-grid. Amature move is putting the words in an email rather than a word document. Autosave apparently didn’t work. It’s a shame as I had some pretty good flows. Keeping tabs on my emotional processing as I move through this road trip has been a priority. The Universe obviously wants toContinue reading “Recalibrate and DEFINE a new normal.”
Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People
In the context of domestic violence. This tugs on my heartstring (covert abuse). Especially after accepting another truth last night. Last night, I realized I had 12 visitors and 438 views on my blog. I’m a big data person. This is an indicator that my family is bored. They are looking for information to stirContinue reading “Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People”
“Home” is a state of Being
Traditionally, my home has been my sanctuary. It’s a place for me to be me. Not who society wants me to be. Not who my family expects me to be. But a place for me to unapologetically be me. A place where I can buy $50 of red grapes, $100 of soft cheese and theContinue reading ““Home” is a state of Being”
People we lose to suicide
My dearest Gumby, It’s been a number of years since you graduated from a friend to a guardian angel. I cherish my conversations with the clouds and appreciate when you reveal your presence. You have always been able to understand my feelings when I couldn’t find the words. You also knew how important it wasContinue reading “People we lose to suicide”
Broken vs Evil… is there a difference?
I started this entry on August 31. A few days after I left ‘home’. My mother was having open heart surgery, meaning I had to deal with the most manipulative person in the entire world (her son). Her son had distorted her reality to a point where she was already a shell. When she’s notContinue reading “Broken vs Evil… is there a difference?”
My higher self is my best friend
I’m not even going to pretend. Most of my life is in autopilot. This has served me well because I cannot remember the last time that I was in normal situations. When greeted with dysfunction, I tighten my ponytail, smile, and navigate the sea like a 70+-year-old sailor. It’s NOT my first rodeo and IContinue reading “My higher self is my best friend”
Cleaning up the fog with a soft heart and a strong mind.
So many things to say but I’m unable to find the right words. My heart is conflicted on a few levels. The last few weeks, it’s been cluttered with embracing being discarded by my mother, betrayed by my great auntie, emotionally dismissed by my great uncle, criticised by a lover, chased by kindred souls, supported by friends, and… loved by me.
If my wounds were visible…
I stumbled across an article. It was a woman that shared some pretty traumatic abuse, in church, by her father. The sentence that caught my attention is one that I heard in my family… on many occasions, “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!” Another favourite one-liner was, “I’m not yelling, doContinue reading “If my wounds were visible…”