My dreams are getting active once again. It’s a sign of alignment between my consciousness and subconsciousness. Rather than focus on what happened in the dream, I spent a few minutes observing how I was feeling. What was I still holding onto? Who was the teacher offering me a valuable lesson? And more importantly, whatContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care”
Tag Archives: abuse
Dear Right Hand, Thank you for being
Dear Right hand, Thank you. Thank you for being you and doing the things that you do. During this season of healing, lots of growth has taken place. Emotionally, I have been processing some deep seeded pain. The only way to successfully complete this process is through an awakening. A spiritual awakening. You have beenContinue reading “Dear Right Hand, Thank you for being”
In a sea of sharks… I was able to swim safely.
Last night was a huge deal for me. After spending the better part of a year as a part-time recluse, I attended a massive networking event. I have actively avoided networking events because I know that healing from trauma messes with my vibe. Some days are good and others are, well, overwhelming. In order toContinue reading “In a sea of sharks… I was able to swim safely.”
Love is a decision, not an emotion.
I’ll be the first one to admit most of my conversations are with myself. Sometimes others are present to plant a few seeds and other times, it’s quite simply an exchange between my head and my heart. Sometimes the conversations are via the blog; Sometimes the conversations are getting lost in Jess World; and whenContinue reading “Love is a decision, not an emotion.”
Explosive Reactions are a sign of unresolved pain
I have to keep reminding this to myself. I have to be mindful of when I’m getting explosive. Is it the person? The words? Or the deep seeded pain? 100% it’s the deep seeded pain. Up until last year, I would have explosive reactions when people made insensitive comments about my biological father. I wouldContinue reading “Explosive Reactions are a sign of unresolved pain”
If my wounds were visible…
I stumbled across an article. It was a woman that shared some pretty traumatic abuse, in church, by her father. The sentence that caught my attention is one that I heard in my family… on many occasions, “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about!” Another favourite one-liner was, “I’m not yelling, doContinue reading “If my wounds were visible…”
Maintaining Grace through Emotional Abuse
The biggest compliment other than THANK YOU for making me feel worthy … are comments on my GRACE. Yes, grace. Most days, I honestly feel like a bull in a china shop. As a matter of fact, a few months ago, I was using the hashtag WILDEBEEST because that’s how I perceived myself. Lawless. WithoutContinue reading “Maintaining Grace through Emotional Abuse”
Gaslighting? Trangulation? They are BOTH exhausting.
I’m tired of having the circular conversations. I’m tired of picking up the pieces. I’m tired of reminding others of why I’m value added. I’m tired of looking at motivational quotes and thinking CLEARLY THEY GREW UP WITH A NON DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY. I’m also tired of taking courses where I have to remind myself thatContinue reading “Gaslighting? Trangulation? They are BOTH exhausting.”
Dear Family that stood still
Dear Family that stood still, I would love to credit you for doing nothing but your inaction was actually an action. The responsibility of an adult is to protect children, whether they are your own or not. It’s your responsibility to protect people that are unable to protect themselves. I’m pretty sure this is outlinedContinue reading “Dear Family that stood still”
My Eulogy
There are so many emotions around sharing this piece with the world. I actually wrote it last summer and asked a dear friend to read it in the event I was murdered. Even if we lost touch, I made him PROMISE to be the one to read my words. At that moment, I needed peopleContinue reading “My Eulogy”