I dunno about you but I’m low key excited about this entire coronavirus situation. Is it scary? Yes. Can bad things happen? Possibly. Can good things happen? ABSOLUTELY!!! As the world goes stark raving mad, I acknowledge I’m in a very unique place. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I’m holding space for myself and continuing toContinue reading “What is Love? Forgiveness? Reconciliation? Acknowledgement?”
Tag Archives: Forgiveness
Making amends with myself
Dear Jess, It’s been a long minute but I need to share something. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting others before you for so long. I’m sorry for forcing you into a cycle of constantly recovering from adversity. I’m sorry that I allowed you to think you were not enough. I’m sorry for a lotContinue reading “Making amends with myself”
“How do you feel about guns in the house?”
A question that keeps coming up. “Jess, how do you feel about guns in the house?” Such a loaded question, no pun intended… *awkward sigh* Well, being a survivor of domestic violence, specifically gun violence, this question is rather complex. I do not have a straightforward answer. I’m not entirely sure how to address thisContinue reading ““How do you feel about guns in the house?””
Dear Family that stood still
Dear Family that stood still, I would love to credit you for doing nothing but your inaction was actually an action. The responsibility of an adult is to protect children, whether they are your own or not. It’s your responsibility to protect people that are unable to protect themselves. I’m pretty sure this is outlinedContinue reading “Dear Family that stood still”
But FIRST, Remember to Forgive Yourself
I have a LOT of conversations. I talk to myself, to others and to plants/animals. Sometimes you can even catch me talking to the clouds (those conversations are kind of sacred). And then I wait. I wait for a message. I keep my mind clear and my heart open. And I just digest things asContinue reading “But FIRST, Remember to Forgive Yourself”
Narcissistic Abuse is death by 1,000 papercuts
As expected, there is a wave of abuse that is brewing. The abuse is not directed towards me because abusers have accepted that I have grown. I am strong enough to set [healthy] boundaries and hold people [publicly] accountable for abusive behaviour. My growth is the subtle shift from testing my threshold of suffering inContinue reading “Narcissistic Abuse is death by 1,000 papercuts”
Letter of Gratitude: My readers
Dear Readers, Thank you. Thank you for passively (or actively) following my journey. I’m over the moon with love and humbled at the same time. (37 countries!!!) I’m not certain that I’m deserving of your time but I appreciate you joining my journey. I am in the process of purging a LOT of hurt. MyContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: My readers”