Dear Right Hand, Thank you for being

Dear Right hand, Thank you. Thank you for being you and doing the things that you do. During this season of healing, lots of growth has taken place. Emotionally, I have been processing some deep seeded pain. The only way to successfully complete this process is through an awakening. A spiritual awakening. You have beenContinue reading “Dear Right Hand, Thank you for being”

Dear Spirit, Thank you for being

Dear Spirit, Thank you. This season has been one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever embraced. It was bigger than climbing corporate ladders. It was scarier than moving to a new country. It was emotionally, mentally, and spiritually destabilizing… There were moments when I wasn’t sure if I had lost the plot or if IContinue reading “Dear Spirit, Thank you for being”

Dear Heart, Thank you for being you!

Dear Heart, Thank you for being so strong. This rewiring process has been filled with some intense challenges. I know that you get scared but I hope you know how proud I am of you. There is tremendous beauty in this entire healing process. For years, you were punished for speaking up. For years whenContinue reading “Dear Heart, Thank you for being you!”

Dear Family that stood still

Dear Family that stood still, I would love to credit you for doing nothing but your inaction was actually an action. The responsibility of an adult is to protect children, whether they are your own or not. It’s your responsibility to protect people that are unable to protect themselves. I’m pretty sure this is outlinedContinue reading “Dear Family that stood still”