I’ll be the first one to admit most of my conversations are with myself. Sometimes others are present to plant a few seeds and other times, it’s quite simply an exchange between my head and my heart. Sometimes the conversations are via the blog; Sometimes the conversations are getting lost in Jess World; and whenContinue reading “Love is a decision, not an emotion.”
Tag Archives: Mental Illness
Mindfulness without Cynicism
I’ve been having a number of conversations with people these last few weeks. Perhaps this is a testament to being back in the flow… Mindfulness. Attachment. Expectations. Cups of Love. Give mode. Projections. One of the conversations I would like to share has been my desire to be mindful without being cynical. To see thingsContinue reading “Mindfulness without Cynicism”
Narcissistic Abuse is death by 1,000 papercuts
As expected, there is a wave of abuse that is brewing. The abuse is not directed towards me because abusers have accepted that I have grown. I am strong enough to set [healthy] boundaries and hold people [publicly] accountable for abusive behaviour. My growth is the subtle shift from testing my threshold of suffering inContinue reading “Narcissistic Abuse is death by 1,000 papercuts”
The hidden benefit of letters of gratitude
I’ve been thinking about the current alignment of the planets and the moon… apparently, Mercury is in retrograde (again)? I’m not 100% sure but this seems to be code for the abundance of energy being thrown around! I’ve been learning about how some people are empowered and others are using this energy to cause trouble.Continue reading “The hidden benefit of letters of gratitude”
I do not negotiate with terrorists.
I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into my writing these last few weeks. Most of the words are not public… I reached some new territory for my processing and needed to give myself some personal space. I have found that writing makes me vulnerable and I maintain balance by sharing, observing, sharing, observing, sharing…Continue reading “I do not negotiate with terrorists.”