Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE

“Hey, can we talk about something?” “Of course, what happened?” I LOVE LOVE LOVE that my life is filled with people that respond like this. For years, the response was “What’s wrong?” A response that puts me in a place of guilt and wanting to be invisible. “What is it now?” A response that isContinue reading “Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE”

‘I am not my thoughts. I am the awareness beyond them’

Reminding myself that the Universe is speaking to me. Offering messages to help me, teach me, inspire me. Some messages are welcomed and others are massively unexpected. Everything is what I need… perhaps not what I want but always what I need.

Making amends with myself

Dear Jess, It’s been a long minute but I need to share something. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting others before you for so long. I’m sorry for forcing you into a cycle of constantly recovering from adversity. I’m sorry that I allowed you to think you were not enough. I’m sorry for a lotContinue reading “Making amends with myself”

Observe the Body, Master the Mind

Most know that when I get on the gratitude train, it’s because I’m working through a hardship. Perhaps something small like a misstep or perhaps something threatened my bubble of magic. Typically my way out of the darkness is writing a buttload of letters of gratitude. This is a phenomenal habit but it’s not helpfulContinue reading “Observe the Body, Master the Mind”

You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.

Dear Jess, This year was one for the books. It’s a year that defined you in so many ways. A few weeks ago, you described the year in a single word BETRAYAL. I’d like to correct you. The year can be summed up with a different word, LOVE. You found love where it didn’t exist.Continue reading “You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.”

Conversations with self whilst others help me look for my smile…

Sometimes all I need is having someone smile when my name pops up on their phone. I have friends sprinkled around the world. I’m extremely blessed because some of these friends have become my family. Actually, all of them are in my heart space. All.of.them. They know who they are. They know what they meanContinue reading “Conversations with self whilst others help me look for my smile…”

Love is a decision, not an emotion.

I’ll be the first one to admit most of my conversations are with myself. Sometimes others are present to plant a few seeds and other times, it’s quite simply an exchange between my head and my heart. Sometimes the conversations are via the blog; Sometimes the conversations are getting lost in Jess World; and whenContinue reading “Love is a decision, not an emotion.”

Letter of Gratitude: Paramedic

Dear Jim, I knew but I didn’t know why your energy was pulling me in. At first, I thought it was just because helpers know how to help people and I needed help to know how many people were in the race. You helped me. It’s always a good day when you come across otherContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: Paramedic”

But FIRST, Remember to Forgive Yourself

I have a LOT of conversations. I talk to myself, to others and to plants/animals. Sometimes you can even catch me talking to the clouds (those conversations are kind of sacred). And then I wait. I wait for a message. I keep my mind clear and my heart open. And I just digest things asContinue reading “But FIRST, Remember to Forgive Yourself”

Letter of Gratitude: Heart

Dear Heart, Saying the last few months have been a whirlwind of amazing would be a gross understatement. The summer has been a wonderful reminder of your strength, beauty, and grace. I am in complete awe – I admire SO MANY things about you… Presence. When you give, you give fully. There is no question.Continue reading “Letter of Gratitude: Heart”