Letter of Gratitude: Paramedic

Dear Jim,

I knew but I didn’t know why your energy was pulling me in. At first, I thought it was just because helpers know how to help people and I needed help to know how many people were in the race. You helped me. It’s always a good day when you come across other helpers. But then we started chatting. You helped me with a few things that were not as obvious… you helped me reach a deeper level of inner peace.

I’m in a sloppy heart space at the moment because I’m trying to convince my heart of something that I have been avoiding for quite some time. I know that my line of questions was telling and yet you happily jumped around all topics with great ease. Thank you. I always feel grateful when people can understand the connectedness of ideas in very unconventional ways. You are a butterfly. An absolutely beautiful soul.

You asked a question “What do I need?” I don’t really need anything. I want a lot of things but I don’t have any needs. I want certain people to stop suffering. I want others to find their peace. I want my heart to come to terms with something so I can officially remove myself from a psychopath’s web of deceit. But do I need anything, I still remain, no. There is nothing in the world that I need.

During a time where I’m getting what seems like a mountain of criticisms for redefining family, you were a quiet whisper that family is about love, loyalty, and respect. Nothing more or nothing less.

So, thank you. Thank you for watering a seed that I’ve been protecting. A seed that defines family in a healthy way. Thank you for reinforcing a concept that I’ve been wrestling with for a few weeks. Thank you for speaking to my heart.

With love and gratitude,


#LetterOfGratitude #LetterToHeal #Light #Love #KindredSpirit #WhyIWrite #MentalWellness #DomesticVIolence #JourneyToPeace


Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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