Shifting from Survivor of Gun Violence to Thriver of Life

Exactly 4, 015 days ago, my father threatened to end my life with a loaded gun. In other words, 11 years ago I was almost killed. Within those 11 years, I have climbed corporate ladders, spoiled my mom with sponsored trips around the world, crossed many finish lines (including Ironman), seen therapists, worked with coaches,Continue reading “Shifting from Survivor of Gun Violence to Thriver of Life”


✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥 Now offering: DOUBLE YOUR ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION! One of the most frequent compliments I receive from others is on my energy. It’s ridiculous. I used to spend a great deal of time externally focused on managing my energy. (Unregulated energy allowed me to change the temperature of a room… NOT RECOMMENDED). I realised IContinue reading “✨🔥 DOUBLE YOUR ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION 🔥✨”

You Are Always in My Heart

Hey Jess! Heck ya! It’s time to pause and celebrate! It’s been a massive month! Housing has been a hot mess but that’s only because you believed in the potential of others. Now that you are accepting people for who/what they are, things are getting more stable. It’s not an easy truth as everyone isContinue reading “You Are Always in My Heart”

Mental Health: Reflecting on stability

One of the challenges of the month is to push out words, daily. The easiest time for me to push out words is when I first wake up. When I catch myself in the space between sleeping and awake. It’s when I am in flow. When my conscious mind allows my subconscious to take theContinue reading “Mental Health: Reflecting on stability”

Resilience: Helping you #BeYourOwnHero

Perspectives are SO important. Mine is very uncommon… I’m back to sharing my morning rambles. Kind of… each time that I openly share my words (to me) it’s a personal declaration that I will not be silenced by people causing me harm. And sharing the pain in my world is my way of seeking truthContinue reading “Resilience: Helping you #BeYourOwnHero”