Domestic Violence Awareness Month approaches us once again. I feel the need to leverage this month to pivot. Shift my coaching business from general emotional abuse to a very specific group of people. High functioning people. People that know but might not understand. People that instinctively know that financial freedom is the way out but still need to do some work to stay out… people like me.
Tag Archives: Emotional Abuse
Reframing: My Impact on the World
Rocky is BAE (Before Anything Else). Well, I say that Rocky is BAE when really I should be saying that I am BAE. My needs. My desires. My wants. I should come first. Making myself a priority has its challenges. I come from a family that prioritised the needs of others before self. This hasContinue reading “Reframing: My Impact on the World”
Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People
In the context of domestic violence. This tugs on my heartstring (covert abuse). Especially after accepting another truth last night. Last night, I realized I had 12 visitors and 438 views on my blog. I’m a big data person. This is an indicator that my family is bored. They are looking for information to stirContinue reading “Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People”
Evolving perspective on Paranoia: C-PTSD
One of my favourite things about creating new habits is observing the shift within. Running has been my go-to for over 20 years. To this day, it’s such a magical moment when my mind shifts from circular (and counterproductive) conversations to absolute clarity. It’s as if a lightbulb is switched on. Or perhaps the bloodContinue reading “Evolving perspective on Paranoia: C-PTSD”
Connected to Self. Detached from Others.
I like to think of myself as being confrontational. I know this is the furthest from the truth. This label is actually one that was forced on me by family. It was used each time that I decided that I wanted to protect myself. Being confrontational meant using my voice against someone trying to causeContinue reading “Connected to Self. Detached from Others.”
Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care
My dreams are getting active once again. It’s a sign of alignment between my consciousness and subconsciousness. Rather than focus on what happened in the dream, I spent a few minutes observing how I was feeling. What was I still holding onto? Who was the teacher offering me a valuable lesson? And more importantly, whatContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care”
Internal negotiations to practice Self Care
Last night I had the pleasure to share a meal with some kindred souls. During the dinner, I realised a few things about myself. Powerful things. Obviously these things are in my heart and fueling the words for this post… I’m really talented at articulating things. Feelings. Situations. And then outlining various perspectives. I’ve beenContinue reading “Internal negotiations to practice Self Care”
Journey to Peace; where is my focus?
About 6 months ago I asked myself a simple question. Well, I thought it was a simple question. WHAT DOES JOURNEY TO PEACE MEAN? In short… it means come to terms that my my biological family doesn’t love me in a conventional way. They love me in a do as I say otherwise I’ll killContinue reading “Journey to Peace; where is my focus?”
I opened my heart to attract my tribe
I have been surrounding myself with water signs… and air signs… and then the occasional fire signs. Typically my world is fire signs. I think it’s easiest to dance when surrounded by fire signs! Fire signs like to seek adventure. Experiences. Lots of them. There is no such thing as a bad experience. It’s eitherContinue reading “I opened my heart to attract my tribe”
Global Goodwill Ambassador
A month ago, I was acknowledged. I was validated. I was honoured for some pretty intense [humanitarian] work. About a year ago, I decided to turn into my pain and confront a troubled relationship. During the process, I was able to identify who was helping me heal and who was helping my oppressor cause additionalContinue reading “Global Goodwill Ambassador”