Global Goodwill Ambassador

A month ago, I was acknowledged. I was validated. I was honoured for some pretty intense [humanitarian] work. About a year ago, I decided to turn into my pain and confront a troubled relationship. During the process, I was able to identify who was helping me heal and who was helping my oppressor cause additional pain & suffering. During this process of self-discovery, I learned that I’m truly limitless and the broken that I felt was a projection of others, not how I actually felt about myself.

I know that I’m imperfect. I think that my imperfections are AMAZING!! I love how I snort when something is super funny. I love how excited I get when I meet a kindred soul. I think everyone is a friend, everyone. I embrace the hurt when others cause me harm (intentionally or otherwise). I love love love to see dreams come true and friends accomplish something they have been working towards. I even get a kick out of my need to check out of reality for a short while (I need to get back to basics and reconnect with myself). I think it’s funny that I enjoy being a flight risk because then it means when I spend time with someone, it’s because I want to be there, not because I have to be there. And yes, my favourite men will always be Rocky (my bike) and Coco (my stuffed monkey). ZERO shame in appreciating the little things in life… The most important thing that I love about myself is understanding that my heart is my biggest strength and also my biggest weakness. If my heart embraces everyone, then I NEED to bring my head along to ensure that my heart beats for ME and not someone causing me harm.

This #JourneyToPeace resulted in #BeYourOwnHero. And through that shift, I have been able to share my story with hundreds of teenagers. I have hosted multiple workshops to help others identify dysfunction and then grow from it. This powerful advocacy work put me on the radar of a group of AWESOME humanitarians. My work in the domestic violence recovery space resulted in an invitation to join a group of open hearts. During my most vulnerable moment, I was recognized, validated, and honoured for helping others whilst I was still trying to help myself.

With a full heart… I am beyond tickled to share that I am part of a group of 6,000+ humanitarians. A global initiative that is supported by the UN Sustainability Goals.

I am a Global Goodwill Ambassador.

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#WhyIWrite #Resilience #MentalWellness #DomesticViolence #EmotionalAbuse #Recovery #GGA #GGAFamily #RedefinedFamily #Humanitarian #EmpoweredWoman #EmpowerOthers

Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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