Shifting from matrix thinking to well, non-matrix thinking is not easy. Most of the time, I feel crazy because I am going against decades of programming. Things that have been normalised are not always healthy things so the internal tug of war with what I know vs what I feel is a battle not toContinue reading “External to Internal shifts are POWERFUL”
Tag Archives: resilience
Observe feelings without becoming emotions
Trying my best to embrace situations as opportunities to learn something about myself and also others have been a bit of a mission. At least in the last few weeks, it’s been a mission. Part of me enjoys getting lost in the magic of a moment. No thinking, just being. Allowing things to flow in and flow out. Magical things happen when I’m in flow state…
Making amends with myself
Dear Jess, It’s been a long minute but I need to share something. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for putting others before you for so long. I’m sorry for forcing you into a cycle of constantly recovering from adversity. I’m sorry that I allowed you to think you were not enough. I’m sorry for a lotContinue reading “Making amends with myself”
Mental Health: Reflecting on stability
One of the challenges of the month is to push out words, daily. The easiest time for me to push out words is when I first wake up. When I catch myself in the space between sleeping and awake. It’s when I am in flow. When my conscious mind allows my subconscious to take theContinue reading “Mental Health: Reflecting on stability”
Embrace your Magic. Realize your Purpose.
May is mental health awareness month. A month that is SUPER important for me. I spent over a year openly sharing my journey of embracing, understanding, accepting, growing from domestic violence. During that journey, I was called all sorts of names and labelled all sorts of things. At first, I would have massive reactions toContinue reading “Embrace your Magic. Realize your Purpose.”
Connected to Self. Detached from Others.
I like to think of myself as being confrontational. I know this is the furthest from the truth. This label is actually one that was forced on me by family. It was used each time that I decided that I wanted to protect myself. Being confrontational meant using my voice against someone trying to causeContinue reading “Connected to Self. Detached from Others.”
Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care
My dreams are getting active once again. It’s a sign of alignment between my consciousness and subconsciousness. Rather than focus on what happened in the dream, I spent a few minutes observing how I was feeling. What was I still holding onto? Who was the teacher offering me a valuable lesson? And more importantly, whatContinue reading “Healthy Boundaries IS Self Care”
Internal negotiations to practice Self Care
Last night I had the pleasure to share a meal with some kindred souls. During the dinner, I realised a few things about myself. Powerful things. Obviously these things are in my heart and fueling the words for this post… I’m really talented at articulating things. Feelings. Situations. And then outlining various perspectives. I’ve beenContinue reading “Internal negotiations to practice Self Care”
“Home” is a state of Being
Traditionally, my home has been my sanctuary. It’s a place for me to be me. Not who society wants me to be. Not who my family expects me to be. But a place for me to unapologetically be me. A place where I can buy $50 of red grapes, $100 of soft cheese and theContinue reading ““Home” is a state of Being”
Global Goodwill Ambassador
A month ago, I was acknowledged. I was validated. I was honoured for some pretty intense [humanitarian] work. About a year ago, I decided to turn into my pain and confront a troubled relationship. During the process, I was able to identify who was helping me heal and who was helping my oppressor cause additionalContinue reading “Global Goodwill Ambassador”