Dear Jess, This year was one for the books. It’s a year that defined you in so many ways. A few weeks ago, you described the year in a single word BETRAYAL. I’d like to correct you. The year can be summed up with a different word, LOVE. You found love where it didn’t exist.Continue reading “You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.”
Tag Archives: rewiring
Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you
Being a survivor of domestic violence is not something that one can necessarily talk about at the dinner table. It’s a dirty secret that is socially unacceptable. Part of the healing process is the ability to speak about your experiences. The more you talk about it, the clearer your mind becomes on what is functionalContinue reading “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you”
Dear Right Hand, Thank you for being
Dear Right hand, Thank you. Thank you for being you and doing the things that you do. During this season of healing, lots of growth has taken place. Emotionally, I have been processing some deep seeded pain. The only way to successfully complete this process is through an awakening. A spiritual awakening. You have beenContinue reading “Dear Right Hand, Thank you for being”
Dear Heart, Thank you for being you!
Dear Heart, Thank you for being so strong. This rewiring process has been filled with some intense challenges. I know that you get scared but I hope you know how proud I am of you. There is tremendous beauty in this entire healing process. For years, you were punished for speaking up. For years whenContinue reading “Dear Heart, Thank you for being you!”
In a sea of sharks… I was able to swim safely.
Last night was a huge deal for me. After spending the better part of a year as a part-time recluse, I attended a massive networking event. I have actively avoided networking events because I know that healing from trauma messes with my vibe. Some days are good and others are, well, overwhelming. In order toContinue reading “In a sea of sharks… I was able to swim safely.”
Love is a decision, not an emotion.
I’ll be the first one to admit most of my conversations are with myself. Sometimes others are present to plant a few seeds and other times, it’s quite simply an exchange between my head and my heart. Sometimes the conversations are via the blog; Sometimes the conversations are getting lost in Jess World; and whenContinue reading “Love is a decision, not an emotion.”
Reiki Journey
My toolbox is constantly expanding. I was first introduced to Reiki in 2009 or 2010. I was in Singapore and having dinner with a friend. We were celebrating my birthday and started having a conversation about chakras. My friend commented how I had a strong bond with the spiritual world. He was testing his theoryContinue reading “Reiki Journey”
But FIRST, Remember to Forgive Yourself
I have a LOT of conversations. I talk to myself, to others and to plants/animals. Sometimes you can even catch me talking to the clouds (those conversations are kind of sacred). And then I wait. I wait for a message. I keep my mind clear and my heart open. And I just digest things asContinue reading “But FIRST, Remember to Forgive Yourself”
‘Tell me your past so I know how best to love you in the present’ – Unknown
Through my healing journey, I have acknowledged that my sharing made me feel extremely disconnected to the outside world. I had so many emotions and things bubbling up on the inside that sometimes my posts are all over the place. That’s the beauty of a blog. It doesn’t really have to make sense. Nothing isContinue reading “‘Tell me your past so I know how best to love you in the present’ – Unknown”
Manifesting & realising magical moments
The last week has been filled with some magical moments. I’m in Italy and making friends with people that cross my path. I try not to collect contact details. My soul needs the moment to I fear staying in touch will ruin the magic. Being love attracts love. I know that I’m in theContinue reading “Manifesting & realising magical moments”