Navigating GRIEF: From Blog to Website

When a person goes through a life changing moment, they cling onto something. That ONE thing might seem insignificant but it’s everything and nothing. It’s the friend on a dark day. It’s a comfort when the walls are caving in. It’s the safe place and also the go-to for sharing a mini victory. It’s sacred.

Dear Head, I love you. Sincerely, Heart

Oh hay girl! I see you. I admire you. I love you. Gosh has it been a week. It’s that time to take a step back and take your own advice. Are you ready for the love bomb that is about to be dropped? *wink* Dear Head, I know you are clever. I know thatContinue reading “Dear Head, I love you. Sincerely, Heart”

You Are Always in My Heart

Hey Jess! Heck ya! It’s time to pause and celebrate! It’s been a massive month! Housing has been a hot mess but that’s only because you believed in the potential of others. Now that you are accepting people for who/what they are, things are getting more stable. It’s not an easy truth as everyone isContinue reading “You Are Always in My Heart”

Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People

In the context of domestic violence. This tugs on my heartstring (covert abuse). Especially after accepting another truth last night. Last night, I realized I had 12 visitors and 438 views on my blog. I’m a big data person. This is an indicator that my family is bored. They are looking for information to stirContinue reading “Embracing Cyber Stalking & Unhealthy People”

Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE

“Hey, can we talk about something?” “Of course, what happened?” I LOVE LOVE LOVE that my life is filled with people that respond like this. For years, the response was “What’s wrong?” A response that puts me in a place of guilt and wanting to be invisible. “What is it now?” A response that isContinue reading “Surrounded​ by LOVE because I AM LOVE”

People we lose to suicide

My dearest Gumby, It’s been a number of years since you graduated from a friend to a guardian angel. I cherish my conversations with the clouds and appreciate when you reveal your presence. You have always been able to understand my feelings when I couldn’t find the words. You also knew how important it wasContinue reading “People we lose to suicide”

Global Goodwill Ambassador

A month ago, I was acknowledged. I was validated. I was honoured for some pretty intense [humanitarian] work. About a year ago, I decided to turn into my pain and confront a troubled relationship. During the process, I was able to identify who was helping me heal and who was helping my oppressor cause additionalContinue reading “Global Goodwill Ambassador”

You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.

Dear Jess, This year was one for the books. It’s a year that defined you in so many ways. A few weeks ago, you described the year in a single word BETRAYAL. I’d like to correct you. The year can be summed up with a different word, LOVE. You found love where it didn’t exist.Continue reading “You gave love freely and without agenda. You simply loved & You loved really hard.”

My higher self is my best friend

I’m not even going to pretend. Most of my life is in autopilot. This has served me well because I cannot remember the last time that I was in normal situations. When greeted with dysfunction, I tighten my ponytail, smile, and navigate the sea like a 70+-year-old sailor. It’s NOT my first rodeo and IContinue reading “My higher self is my best friend”

Dear Spirit, Thank you for being

Dear Spirit, Thank you. This season has been one of the biggest challenges I’ve ever embraced. It was bigger than climbing corporate ladders. It was scarier than moving to a new country. It was emotionally, mentally, and spiritually destabilizing… There were moments when I wasn’t sure if I had lost the plot or if IContinue reading “Dear Spirit, Thank you for being”