Dear Head, I love you. Sincerely, Heart

Oh hay girl! I see you. I admire you. I love you. Gosh has it been a week. It’s that time to take a step back and take your own advice. Are you ready for the love bomb that is about to be dropped? *wink*

Dear Head,

I know you are clever. I know that you are constantly looking for ways to connect the dots. You are so good that sometimes you connect dots that don’t exist. You are pretty magical. You want things to work. I admire that. Very much. This time, I was the clever one. I appreciate you always being there to protect me. Sincerely. I love you in every aspect of the word. The last few weeks, I very much appreciate you standing next to me. We have been working together. And it’s ok. It’s safe. And we are back to dancing. We are back to laughing. We are even back on vibe with some of the people we admire most. People that comment on the giggle. The ones that comment on the spark being back. The fire within that shines bright. The ones that acknowledge (and celebrate) the cheeky smile in our eyes. We are back on vibe. We know our tribe and sometimes forget all that is magical within. It’s these people, sprinkled around the world that speak to different parts of us. Cheering along the way. They are making their presence known. Once again, to simply remind us of all our glory and all the magic that is within.

Last night, all the pieces fell into place. Even though we have been standing next to one another, I had a plan that I could not share with you. The sheer mass of the current undertaking. If I let you in on it, we might not have been able to take action. This needed to start from me (heart) and now we will finish together (head+heart=team). I need you. I need us to be a team. I need us to gently dance together. We started a series on Linkedin. Over the course of 2 years, we shared over 3.5 million words related to domestic violence. And the recovery from it. And now, we are encouraging dialogue on linkedin. Domestic Violence in the workplace… starting this conversation on the world’s largest professional platform. Thank you for allowing me to take the lead. Sometimes the only way to start is with my lead.

And now I need you. We need you. Jess needs us. Jess is in the midst of crushing another goal. Planting seeds in the minds of very influential people.

So to move forward, I want to thank you. Thank you for being present. Thank you for standing near. Thank you for knowing when to stand firm and when to let go. Thank you for protecting me with something fierce. I come out to play because I know you will always protect me. We are about to embark in one of the most magical seasons ever. And before we take that step, I just want to say THANK YOU for allowing me to be me. Talk, type, share, isolate, dance, cry or sing… you’ve allowed me to do whatever I needed for us. And for that, I wanted you to know that I appreciate your presence.

I love you. Let’s crush this goal, together.

With love,


The journey continues…

#Resilience #Alignment #Gratitude #Recovery #DomesticViolence

Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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