Dear Heart, Thank you for being you!

Dear Heart, Thank you for being so strong. This rewiring process has been filled with some intense challenges. I know that you get scared but I hope you know how proud I am of you. There is tremendous beauty in this entire healing process. For years, you were punished for speaking up. For years whenContinue reading “Dear Heart, Thank you for being you!”

Emotional Resilience: My recovery cycle – from 3 weeks to 18 hours !

OVERVIEW An abuser will come out to play and try to start trouble in my lane. They will say things to get me to question my reality. They will plant seeds to get me to question my sanity. They will plant a seed to get me to question who I can trust. Emotional abuse isContinue reading “Emotional Resilience: My recovery cycle – from 3 weeks to 18 hours !”

Letter of Gratitude: M

Dear M, Gosh, I haven’t spoken your name in years. The few times you cropped up, you were referred to as The Terrorist (no offence). I’m not sure if I needed to use a moniker because I still kept space for you in my heart or if I subconsciously deleted those 14 months of myContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: M”

To Serbia, with love

Dear Friend, I’m not sure who you are but thank you for checking out my webpage. I feel blessed that you have made it a daily habit. I very much enjoy consistency! I am VERY curious as I’ve never met anyone, nor have I traveled to Serbia. So thank you. Thank you for allowing myContinue reading “To Serbia, with love”

Monetising a skill. Letters Of Gratitude.

One of the attributes that I get complimented on is my kindness. Another attribute is my ability to find the silver lining in just about any situation. I’m also talented at seeing people’s inner light… I’ve been noticing a lot of entrepreneurs and people inviting me to join their MLM team. I feel very blessedContinue reading “Monetising a skill. Letters Of Gratitude.”

The hidden​ benefit of letters of gratitude

I’ve been thinking about the current alignment of the planets and the moon… apparently, Mercury is in retrograde (again)? I’m not 100% sure but this seems to be code for the abundance of energy being thrown around! I’ve been learning about how some people are empowered and others are using this energy to cause trouble.Continue reading “The hidden​ benefit of letters of gratitude”

Letter of Gratitude: Brokenness & Self-Care

Dearest Dan, I was in the market for a new lover. My roster has been cleared for quite some time and I knew I wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. At least not in what society dubs as a conventional relationship. Taking on a lover is a non-committal commitment. It’s not physical but itContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: Brokenness & Self-Care”

Letter of Gratitude: My readers

Dear Readers, Thank you. Thank you for passively (or actively) following my journey. I’m over the moon with love and humbled at the same time. (37 countries!!!) I’m not certain that I’m deserving of your time but I appreciate you joining my journey. I am in the process of purging a LOT of hurt. MyContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: My readers”

Letter of Gratitude: 2017

Dear Jess, During a year of absolute chaos, when you felt completely broken and unlovable, you remembered to breathe. When your abusers conspired to break you, you remembered they are human. When you decided to upgrade your annoyingly-optimistic-everything-is-PHENOMENAL Jess to an authentic imperfectly messy-emotional-yet-RESILIENT Jess, you remembered to be brave. When you made questionable lifeContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: 2017”

Dear Mentally Unwell person, Thank you.

Day 21. Freewriting. My focus is all over the place and I need to get this off my chest. I will not name my specific abusers so I’m just going to lay it all out there. It’s not a single person but if you are reading and think you have wronged me, chances are youContinue reading “Dear Mentally Unwell person, Thank you.”