Monetising a skill. Letters Of Gratitude.

One of the attributes that I get complimented on is my kindness. Another attribute is my ability to find the silver lining in just about any situation. I’m also talented at seeing people’s inner light…

I’ve been noticing a lot of entrepreneurs and people inviting me to join their MLM team. I feel very blessed that people think I’d be good with sales. I decline because of a misalignment with products, not people. I’m ultra-sensitive and pretty basic. Some would classify me as a purist. I’m not one to take supplements because I’m sensitive to processed products. I’m not one that admires 6-packs because I believe it’s unhealthy to have that low of a body fat percentage (especially for women). I cannot sell a product that I do not actually use.

I ask myself: What is MY product? (Letters Of Gratitude)

During my healing and unveiling #WhyIWrite #MentalWellness #JourneyToPeace I’ve been doing a lot of purging. It’s purging my mind, my heart and my soul. I’ve activated my kundalini and had an intense wave of what felt like lifetimes of emotions pour out of me. During this process, I’ve had to acknowledge a number of relationships for what they are, not what I thought they could be. This was a very difficult transition for me. To help, I wrote letters of gratitude to acknowledge the lesson and let go.

I ask myself: What do I enjoy? (Letters Of Gratitude)

I’ve noticed that during this writing journey and healing process, I’ve had an increased amount of people asking for help. I do not begrudge them for asking rather than offering because it’s actually a compliment that they value [and understand] my journey. My pain point is how to help. I redirect people to support groups. I promote life coaches that I believe are value added. I’ve been overlooking how to monetise my talents.

I ask myself: How can I add value? (Letters Of Gratitude)

SO bringing all these concepts together, I have finally figured it out. I am creating space to spend 15-20 minutes on the phone or learning about someone’s struggle. From there, I am able to gather enough information to write a Letter Of Gratitude for them. Most people struggle to let go of a situation that no longer serves them because they are more focused on being hurt than learning. Having a Letter Of Gratitude serves 2 purposes, help to identify the lesson AND have closure in a toxic situation.

If you need help to find the silver lining, let me know. My letters are US$35

Please email today to experience how gratitude can literally change your attitude!

With love (and gratitude),

#WhyIWrite #MentalWellness #LettersOfGratitude #WednesdayGratitude #GratitudeWednesday #Gratitude #GratitudeChangesAttitude #JourneyToPeace

Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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