Last week, I had an interesting phone call. It was from a person that was pretending to care about me and my healing journey. It was odd but expected. I didn’t entertain his judgements. As a matter of fact, it was easy to deflect and even easier to understand knowing that this was the firstContinue reading “I’m proud to be the White Sheep in a dysfunctional (bio) family”
Tag Archives: Narcissistic Abuse
Love is a decision, not an emotion.
I’ll be the first one to admit most of my conversations are with myself. Sometimes others are present to plant a few seeds and other times, it’s quite simply an exchange between my head and my heart. Sometimes the conversations are via the blog; Sometimes the conversations are getting lost in Jess World; and whenContinue reading “Love is a decision, not an emotion.”
My Eulogy
There are so many emotions around sharing this piece with the world. I actually wrote it last summer and asked a dear friend to read it in the event I was murdered. Even if we lost touch, I made him PROMISE to be the one to read my words. At that moment, I needed peopleContinue reading “My Eulogy”
Emotional Resilience: My recovery cycle – from 3 weeks to 18 hours !
OVERVIEW An abuser will come out to play and try to start trouble in my lane. They will say things to get me to question my reality. They will plant seeds to get me to question my sanity. They will plant a seed to get me to question who I can trust. Emotional abuse isContinue reading “Emotional Resilience: My recovery cycle – from 3 weeks to 18 hours !”
I am a Big Fat Liar
I was listening to the news and someone asked, DO YOU LIE? My answer: YES. I lie to myself I tell myself people care. I tell myself it was a mistake. It was just a misunderstanding. A generation gap. A cultural difference… ignorance. I tell myself the timing was off. The stars weren’t aligned.Continue reading “I am a Big Fat Liar”
Does time heal everything?! (No, consistency does)!
I’m presented with an interesting challenge. At this exact moment, there is another wave of people from my past that are resurfacing. There is a moderate chance it’s because I have been blasting my social media with living large (back to my globetrotting ways). My experience is that harmful people come out to play whenContinue reading “Does time heal everything?! (No, consistency does)!”
Difference between toxic and abuse
There is a subtle, yet important difference between toxic people and abusive people. At least in my world, they are different, not interchangeable. A toxic person is someone that is blissfully unaware of their garbage. Putting others down is their way of life and it doesn’t stop. They don’t necessarily approach you. They are justContinue reading “Difference between toxic and abuse”
Reflections: The Abused Dog
I started writing about Mindfulness without Cynicism. The words were easy to write but not the message that my heart wanted to share. I could not hit publish. This is my restart. I’m forcing myself to share these words. But rather than a purge, I’m sharing a story of an abused dog. Something relatable. ***Continue reading “Reflections: The Abused Dog”
Being Secretive vs Private
Have you ever noticed when you identify someone as being a victim of abuse, they are very private? Why are they private? Is it because they are scared? Is it because they are hiding something? Or is it because they are protecting those they love? For me, it’s about protecting those I love. I haveContinue reading “Being Secretive vs Private”
Why Ironman? (#WhyITri)
Things are constantly shifting but my ability to troubleshoot has remained consistent. My ability to find a solution to re-spark the magic is kind of ridiculous. My ability to soften explosive situations should warrant a PhD in AWESOME. So today, I’m opening another layer to share why I picked Ironman. I grew up with aContinue reading “Why Ironman? (#WhyITri)”