Why Ironman? (#WhyITri)

Things are constantly shifting but my ability to troubleshoot has remained consistent. My ability to find a solution to re-spark the magic is kind of ridiculous. My ability to soften explosive situations should warrant a PhD in AWESOME. So today, I’m opening another layer to share why I picked Ironman. I grew up with aContinue reading “Why Ironman? (#WhyITri)”

Day 28: Hurt is anger’s annoying neighbor

Day 28. Freewriting. Love is the strongest emotion I possess. Sometimes I think that anger is my go-to but every day I’m reminded I’m just fooling myself and it’s actually LOVE. Love is my go to. Some people say that anger is the absence of love but I think that anger is actually hurt inContinue reading “Day 28: Hurt is anger’s annoying neighbor”

Magic screams when the world is quiet.

Day 23. Freewriting. Feeling very blessed. VERY blessed. This current personal challenge of posting my morning thoughts has been terrifying and fulfilling. It’s allowed me to go deeper within myself without regard to being judged. I’m still conscious of the opinions of others but more or less used as a base to spot check myContinue reading “Magic screams when the world is quiet.”

Day 17: Are you a Muse or a Vice

Day 17. Freewriting. Thinking about strength. How I define strength vs. how society defines strength. There are always 2 sides to the coin but 3 sides to the truth… Living in Asia offered countless opportunities. Some opportunities were to be a muse and others to be a vice. Befriending Prostitutes. I had just picked upContinue reading “Day 17: Are you a Muse or a Vice”

words to build. words to break.

Day 10. Freewriting. Connectedness. Words are so important. Thoughts, words, energy, accomplishments… they are all connected in some way. Everything is important… my morning freewriting (stuff I share on my blog) has been magical to help identify some kinks in my armour. Perfect warm-up exercise for my deep dive into my emotions as well. LastContinue reading “words to build. words to break.”

Day 9: Depth of my eyes. Pain behind my smile. My walls are back up…

Day 9. Freewriting. Making myself vulnerable is a challenge. Woke up this morning intending to discuss something I’m comfortable with, My Inner Circle and kind of went on a few tangents… Inner Circle – Thank you for understanding my depth. Thank you for respecting my privacy. Thank you for asking the open-ended question: How areContinue reading “Day 9: Depth of my eyes. Pain behind my smile. My walls are back up…”

I feel your presence, Thank You.

Day 8. Freewriting. I’m having an emotional moment. It’s a combination of grief and longing. With a side of guilt. These emotions are so intense that I subconsciously call on my guardian angels (my grandfathers) as my tears fall… Grandpas – I miss you. All the power in those words. I cannot bring myself toContinue reading “I feel your presence, Thank You.”

Day 5: ABCs of Me

Day 5. Freewriting. Self-criticism -> Self-Love. Everyone has parts of them that they wish to change or soften. My first thought is what would I change about me? *5 seconds later* N.o.t.h.i.n.g. I’m absolutely perfect. I don’t have imperfections. I have quirks. I KNOW I have pure intentions so any misunderstandings come from the otherContinue reading “Day 5: ABCs of Me”

ALL things have a price tag.

Day 2. Freewriting. I have a LOT of things to do today and need to have a strong mindset. This is my morning flow to clear my head. Who is mentally unwell: the person committing suicide or the person lacking empathy? Sometimes I break my own heart – it’s the only way to let inContinue reading “ALL things have a price tag.”

Please stop breaking me. Love, Heart

Day 1. Freewriting. Processing hurt: Crack open your heart to let in the light… They say that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes things are meant to build you up and other times, things happen to remind you of your inner strength. I have spent YEARS trying to conceal the heartbreaking parts of my life.Continue reading “Please stop breaking me. Love, Heart”