Day 9: Depth of my eyes. Pain behind my smile. My walls are back up…

Day 9. Freewriting. Making myself vulnerable is a challenge. Woke up this morning intending to discuss something I’m comfortable with, My Inner Circle and kind of went on a few tangents… Inner Circle – Thank you for understanding my depth. Thank you for respecting my privacy. Thank you for asking the open-ended question: How areContinue reading “Day 9: Depth of my eyes. Pain behind my smile. My walls are back up…”

I feel your presence, Thank You.

Day 8. Freewriting. I’m having an emotional moment. It’s a combination of grief and longing. With a side of guilt. These emotions are so intense that I subconsciously call on my guardian angels (my grandfathers) as my tears fall… Grandpas – I miss you. All the power in those words. I cannot bring myself toContinue reading “I feel your presence, Thank You.”

Day 5: ABCs of Me

Day 5. Freewriting. Self-criticism -> Self-Love. Everyone has parts of them that they wish to change or soften. My first thought is what would I change about me? *5 seconds later* N.o.t.h.i.n.g. I’m absolutely perfect. I don’t have imperfections. I have quirks. I KNOW I have pure intentions so any misunderstandings come from the otherContinue reading “Day 5: ABCs of Me”

ALL things have a price tag.

Day 2. Freewriting. I have a LOT of things to do today and need to have a strong mindset. This is my morning flow to clear my head. Who is mentally unwell: the person committing suicide or the person lacking empathy? Sometimes I break my own heart – it’s the only way to let inContinue reading “ALL things have a price tag.”