Dear Jess, Thank you. Thank you for finding your backbone (learning the art of NO). Thank you for using your heart (remembering compassion for self). Thank you for demonstrating patience for people of all sorts (mostly patience for self). It’s not easy to harness the magic. It’s not easy to prevent the nostril flare. It’sContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: 2018”
Tag Archives: Emotional Abuse
I am a Big Fat Liar
I was listening to the news and someone asked, DO YOU LIE? My answer: YES. I lie to myself I tell myself people care. I tell myself it was a mistake. It was just a misunderstanding. A generation gap. A cultural difference… ignorance. I tell myself the timing was off. The stars weren’t aligned.Continue reading “I am a Big Fat Liar”
Mindfulness without Cynicism​
I’ve been having a number of conversations with people these last few weeks. Perhaps this is a testament to being back in the flow… Mindfulness. Attachment. Expectations. Cups of Love. Give mode. Projections. One of the conversations I would like to share has been my desire to be mindful without being cynical. To see thingsContinue reading “Mindfulness without Cynicism​”
Reflecting on Tools: Writing vs Sports
When one is building a new skill, it’s necessary to minimise as many factors as possible. For instance, I have been leaning on sports for as long as I can remember as an emotional processing tool. Yes, I love sports. Yes, sports make me feel better. The underlining reasoning for doing sports was a constructiveContinue reading “Reflecting on Tools: Writing vs Sports”
The day my childhood bedroom turned into a crime scene.
The crime: domestic violence The weapon: a loaded gun The victim: me (the daughter) The motive: unprocessed pain? uncontrolled anger? Tempers flying was the norm. “I’m not yelling! You want to hear yelling?!” was a regular tagline. So was, “Stop it or I’ll give you something to cry about.” We had good days but man,Continue reading “The day my childhood bedroom turned into a crime scene.”
I do not negotiate with terrorists.
I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into my writing these last few weeks. Most of the words are not public… I reached some new territory for my processing and needed to give myself some personal space. I have found that writing makes me vulnerable and I maintain balance by sharing, observing, sharing, observing, sharing…Continue reading “I do not negotiate with terrorists.”
words to build. words to break.
Day 10. Freewriting. Connectedness. Words are so important. Thoughts, words, energy, accomplishments… they are all connected in some way. Everything is important… my morning freewriting (stuff I share on my blog) has been magical to help identify some kinks in my armour. Perfect warm-up exercise for my deep dive into my emotions as well. LastContinue reading “words to build. words to break.”
Day 5: ABCs of Me
Day 5. Freewriting. Self-criticism -> Self-Love. Everyone has parts of them that they wish to change or soften. My first thought is what would I change about me? *5 seconds later* N.o.t.h.i.n.g. I’m absolutely perfect. I don’t have imperfections. I have quirks. I KNOW I have pure intentions so any misunderstandings come from the otherContinue reading “Day 5: ABCs of Me”
Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces
When I date someone, I start a shoebox for relationship keepsakes. When the relationship ends, the box turns into a bag. The bag gets chucked into my closet. I shared this quirk with some friends and they wanted to open the bags… They thought it was clever and sentimental but odd. Looking back, I’ve datedContinue reading “Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces”
Poem: Do you know how it feels
Do you know how it feels when every part of your being says NO but your heart says JUST ONE MORE CHANCE Do you know how it feels when you use language like “You need help” or “You are embarrassing yourself” Do you know how it feels not being able to SLEEP because your mindContinue reading “Poem: Do you know how it feels”