Last week, I had an interesting phone call. It was from a person that was pretending to care about me and my healing journey. It was odd but expected. I didn’t entertain his judgements. As a matter of fact, it was easy to deflect and even easier to understand knowing that this was the firstContinue reading “I’m proud to be the White Sheep in a dysfunctional (bio) family”
Tag Archives: Narcissist
Poem: What if I told you…
What if I told you that everything in your heart Was going to be pulled completely apart? Every smile that is shared Is another ‘hit’ to be bared You decided to dim your light Because you were tired of the fight Every way you turn Something started to burn You protect your friendships with somethingContinue reading “Poem: What if I told you…”
The Magical Penis
Before you get excited, I’m going to start by saying this concept is not what you think. As someone that has kept my family dysfunction, my family abuse, my brokenness, VERY private, I have learned a few things about sharing my pain. I have been joking about this concept for a few days so thoughtContinue reading “The Magical Penis”
Please stop breaking me. Love, Heart
Day 1. Freewriting. Processing hurt: Crack open your heart to let in the light… They say that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes things are meant to build you up and other times, things happen to remind you of your inner strength. I have spent YEARS trying to conceal the heartbreaking parts of my life.Continue reading “Please stop breaking me. Love, Heart”
Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces
When I date someone, I start a shoebox for relationship keepsakes. When the relationship ends, the box turns into a bag. The bag gets chucked into my closet. I shared this quirk with some friends and they wanted to open the bags… They thought it was clever and sentimental but odd. Looking back, I’ve datedContinue reading “Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces”