Exactly 4, 015 days ago, my father threatened to end my life with a loaded gun. In other words, 11 years ago I was almost killed. Within those 11 years, I have climbed corporate ladders, spoiled my mom with sponsored trips around the world, crossed many finish lines (including Ironman), seen therapists, worked with coaches,Continue reading “Shifting from Survivor of Gun Violence to Thriver of Life”
Tag Archives: Coach
Looking back: 10-year challenge
A bunch of my friends have been talking about a 10-year challenge. I was not going to participate but thought, ok, why not… this should be interesting. There is a massive difference in 10 years. Massive. 2009 vs 2019. So many things have shifted… or shall I say, so many truths have finally been revealedContinue reading “Looking back: 10-year challenge”
When a Whisper turns into a Roar
I LOVE LOVE LOVE when the Universe gets chatty. It’s always chatty but sometimes the internal chatter is so loud that I am unable to hear the Universe chatter. There is a clear difference between my communities in Asia vs my communities in the USA. During the process of chasing my financial goals, it wasContinue reading “When a Whisper turns into a Roar”
You are not IN the storm, you ARE the storm
Domestic Violence Awareness Month approaches us once again. I feel the need to leverage this month to pivot. Shift my coaching business from general emotional abuse to a very specific group of people. High functioning people. People that know but might not understand. People that instinctively know that financial freedom is the way out but still need to do some work to stay out… people like me.
✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥✨🔥 Now offering: DOUBLE YOUR ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION! One of the most frequent compliments I receive from others is on my energy. It’s ridiculous. I used to spend a great deal of time externally focused on managing my energy. (Unregulated energy allowed me to change the temperature of a room… NOT RECOMMENDED). I realised IContinue reading “✨🔥 DOUBLE YOUR ENERGY BREAKTHROUGH SESSION 🔥✨”
Get it girl. Get.it.girl.
I am all over the place in terms of growth. It feels like everything is in overdrive. The more I stay detached to all external ‘things’, the more ‘ah-ha’ moments that seem to present themselves… I just completed a week with some of the most energetic people I’ve EVER met! If endorphins could be bottled,Continue reading “Get it girl. Get.it.girl.”