Looking back: 10-year challenge

A bunch of my friends have been talking about a 10-year challenge. I was not going to participate but thought, ok, why not… this should be interesting. There is a massive difference in 10 years. Massive. 2009 vs 2019. So many things have shifted… or shall I say, so many truths have finally been revealed (and processed). Screenshot 2019-12-08 at 2.49.25 PM

About a week ago on Facebook, I shared the following 10-year challenge. By society standards, there is no rhyme or reason why I’m doing what I’m doing. By my standards, I’m leaning into my intuition. Sometimes, I trigger myself on facebook and offer an emotional purge (open processing) on facebook and sometimes, I’ll trigger myself on facebook and then share my purge (open processing) via blog. When I don’t feel like open processing, I’ll simply sit with my emotions (observe the body and master the mind… thank you, Vipassana).

Feel the feels and then do the things.

But to be honest, most of my blog writing is untriggered. Generally speaking, blog sharing is first thing in the morning. It’s catching myself in that space between sleeping and being awake. This is my sweet spot of an unconscious space. Where my heart speaks and reveals where I need to continue my work to love myself just a bit more.

Since it’s December, I’m honouring this exact moment. I’m trying not to view people as healthy or unhealthy. Predatory or non-predatory. I think that it’s much simplier than that. Some people are driven by ego and others by heart. Unfortunately, some people lack tools for productive processing. Friends used to poke fun at me for not being tolerant and now they laugh because certain behaviours are simply no longer entertained. The reality is, the more I love myself, the less I allow others to greet me with anything less than love, respect and grace. I’m on the fence with enjoying the word GRACE or DIGNITY.

When living in Singapore, my community was filled with goal crushing super achievers. People so busy working on themselves; interactions were grounded in love and support. Moving to the USA, had a learning curve. It’s taken me about a year to find similar spirited people. My community is {finally} starting to be filled with goal crushing super achievers. People so busy working on themselves; interactions are once again grounded in love and support.

As for the people not offering love and support, I’m finally in a space to acknowledge everyone processes stress differently. Whether it’s traumatic stress or chronic stress, I’ve accepted a large majority of people struggle with stress management. Experiencing so many people hurting both themselves and others is one of the main reasons WHY I developed a coaching programme specifically dedicated to teaching others how to navigate stress with an end goal of essentially minimising stress. As with all things, one must do the work before teaching it to others.

My name is Jessica Corvo. I moved to ground zero of my trauma to see what happens. I’ve been living in the same city as people that have tried to kill me. Through the healing process, I’ve launched a few hustles and continue to cultivate a community of super achievers. My main social media guilty pleasure is a series called HEALTHY BOUNDARIES where I use real experiences to teach my community about healthy boundaries whilst holding myself accountable (and my growth journey). I would not have been able to build this muscle if I was still living in Singapore. It’s only by living in a new environment where I have been able to experience another build from scratch, first hand, so I can teach (empower) others.

My journey continues. Another stress management tool developed. Another way to empower others and help them achieve their wellness goals.

I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. Life is so incredibly magical.

#BeYourOwnHero #Resilience #Trauma #Recovery #EmotionalAbuse #DomesticViolence #StressManagement #HealthCoach #Coach #DoTheWork

Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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