Sweetest Day: Connecting with another pure soul…

Every once in a while, I connect with a pure soul. Lumpy bits but pure in every single capacity. The pureness is with the looks, the grabs, the intended and the unintended moments.

Conversations with self whilst others help me look for my smile…

Sometimes all I need is having someone smile when my name pops up on their phone. I have friends sprinkled around the world. I’m extremely blessed because some of these friends have become my family. Actually, all of them are in my heart space. All.of.them. They know who they are. They know what they meanContinue reading “Conversations with self whilst others help me look for my smile…”

Poem: Be Your Own Hero

When you’re covered by a cloud with no friends to be found just remember these special people Me, Myself & I. There is never a need to fear because they are always very near Call out to these special people Me, Myself & I. When times get rough remind yourself to be tough Hold aContinue reading “Poem: Be Your Own Hero”