When you’re covered by a cloud
with no friends to be found
just remember these special people
Me, Myself & I.
There is never a need to fear
because they are always very near
Call out to these special people
Me, Myself & I.
When times get rough
remind yourself to be tough
Hold a place for these special people
Me, Myself & I.
Life will make you sad
and sometimes unbearably mad
Dig deep for these special people
Me, Myself & I.
One day the light will come back
and your troubles will lack
it’s because of these special people
Me, Myself & I.
Me* — the person responsible to find the magic
Myself* — the person who needs the magic
I* — the person to share the magic with others
#Poetry #Poem #BeYourOwnHero #SelfLove #SacredMoment #JourneyToPeace