Dear Jess, Thank you. Thank you for finding your backbone (learning the art of NO). Thank you for using your heart (remembering compassion for self). Thank you for demonstrating patience for people of all sorts (mostly patience for self). It’s not easy to harness the magic. It’s not easy to prevent the nostril flare. It’sContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: 2018”
Tag Archives: rewiring
I am a Big Fat Liar
I was listening to the news and someone asked, DO YOU LIE? My answer: YES. I lie to myself I tell myself people care. I tell myself it was a mistake. It was just a misunderstanding. A generation gap. A cultural difference… ignorance. I tell myself the timing was off. The stars weren’t aligned.Continue reading “I am a Big Fat Liar”
I do not negotiate with terrorists.
I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into my writing these last few weeks. Most of the words are not public… I reached some new territory for my processing and needed to give myself some personal space. I have found that writing makes me vulnerable and I maintain balance by sharing, observing, sharing, observing, sharing…Continue reading “I do not negotiate with terrorists.”
Day 5: ABCs of Me
Day 5. Freewriting. Self-criticism -> Self-Love. Everyone has parts of them that they wish to change or soften. My first thought is what would I change about me? *5 seconds later* N.o.t.h.i.n.g. I’m absolutely perfect. I don’t have imperfections. I have quirks. I KNOW I have pure intentions so any misunderstandings come from the otherContinue reading “Day 5: ABCs of Me”