Evolving perspective on Paranoia: C-PTSD

One of my favourite things about creating new habits is observing the shift within. Running has been my go-to for over 20 years. To this day, it’s such a magical moment when my mind shifts from circular (and counterproductive) conversations to absolute clarity. It’s as if a lightbulb is switched on. Or perhaps the bloodContinue reading “Evolving perspective on Paranoia: C-PTSD”

Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you

Being a survivor of domestic violence is not something that one can necessarily talk about at the dinner table. It’s a dirty secret that is socially unacceptable. Part of the healing process is the ability to speak about your experiences. The more you talk about it, the clearer your mind becomes on what is functionalContinue reading “Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you”