I’ve been having a number of conversations with people these last few weeks. Perhaps this is a testament to being back in the flow… Mindfulness. Attachment. Expectations. Cups of Love. Give mode. Projections. One of the conversations I would like to share has been my desire to be mindful without being cynical. To see thingsContinue reading “Mindfulness without Cynicism​”
Tag Archives: Mental Abuse
The day my childhood bedroom turned into a crime scene.
The crime: domestic violence The weapon: a loaded gun The victim: me (the daughter) The motive: unprocessed pain? uncontrolled anger? Tempers flying was the norm. “I’m not yelling! You want to hear yelling?!” was a regular tagline. So was, “Stop it or I’ll give you something to cry about.” We had good days but man,Continue reading “The day my childhood bedroom turned into a crime scene.”
I do not negotiate with terrorists.
I’ve been pouring my heart and soul into my writing these last few weeks. Most of the words are not public… I reached some new territory for my processing and needed to give myself some personal space. I have found that writing makes me vulnerable and I maintain balance by sharing, observing, sharing, observing, sharing…Continue reading “I do not negotiate with terrorists.”
Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces
When I date someone, I start a shoebox for relationship keepsakes. When the relationship ends, the box turns into a bag. The bag gets chucked into my closet. I shared this quirk with some friends and they wanted to open the bags… They thought it was clever and sentimental but odd. Looking back, I’ve datedContinue reading “Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces”