Day 5. Freewriting. Self-criticism -> Self-Love. Everyone has parts of them that they wish to change or soften. My first thought is what would I change about me? *5 seconds later* N.o.t.h.i.n.g. I’m absolutely perfect. I don’t have imperfections. I have quirks. I KNOW I have pure intentions so any misunderstandings come from the otherContinue reading “Day 5: ABCs of Me”
Tag Archives: Domestic Violence
Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces
When I date someone, I start a shoebox for relationship keepsakes. When the relationship ends, the box turns into a bag. The bag gets chucked into my closet. I shared this quirk with some friends and they wanted to open the bags… They thought it was clever and sentimental but odd. Looking back, I’ve datedContinue reading “Acknowledging the Dysfunction I allowed in romantic spaces”
Focusing on the Good does not mean Forgetting the Bad.
“You wouldn’t know how we feel. You come from White Privilege.” “Your life is just so perfect. You’ve never had to deal with hardship.” “Everything is just so easy for you. Pretty girl privilege.” Last week, these were statements made to me when I tried to discuss ways to move forward (solutions). My opinion, theseContinue reading “Focusing on the Good does not mean Forgetting the Bad.”