“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you” – Unknown

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

“Your abuser’s trauma does not justify them abusing you”

Say this until your heart starts to believe it. Say this until the tears stop falling. Say this until you remember compassion for yourself BEFORE others. Jess, it’s not tough love. It’s not unloving. What they are doing to you is unloving. Their behaviour is unkind. They do NOT want to fix things. What more do they need to do to prove they do not value you? What more needs to happen before you accept reality? You know who holds the gun. He lacks self-control. You know who has the bullets. She lacks self-worth. You know who is whispering ‘just do it’. He lacks a conscious. This is NOT family.

What is your bottom? Letting go is not giving up. Walking away is not quitting. Why is helping them more important than helping yourself? This year is for you. This year is for your healing. You gave them YEARS to act right. This is YOUR YEAR. So act like it. Just like every other goal you’ve set for yourself, it’s time to crush this one. Shut down that heart and get to work. It’s no longer about understanding. It’s a season for acceptance.

#WhyIWrite #MentalWellness #DomesticViolence #TheStruggleIsReal #EmotionalAbuse #Awareness #Acceptance #Reality #LetGo #Dysfunction #Family #Healing #JourneyToPeace

Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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