You know you’re obsessed when you find every opportunity to jump on a stage to work on your public speaking skills! Tonight’s ‘performance’ was testing my improv skills. My story-telling skills…
It was an open mic night at a local bar in Singapore. The theme was my first time. My goal was to get the crowd to FEEL my emotion as I told my story.
“My alarm went off at 3:37. My heart was racing…my limbs were numb. Every ounce of blood had vanished from my extremities. I walk to the bathroom sink. I look at myself in the mirror. I wash my face. I have a lump in my throat. I brush my teeth. The butterflies are out of control. I lay down for a minute. I take a deep breath ‘Jess, you can do this…’ I Whisper to myself as I peel my nervous body off the bed. I kick off my slippers and start to put on my Superhero uniform….”
This was my first time using a microphone! I think I prefer shouting but it was a very cool experience! I’m incredibly blessed to have the support of this group. They laughed when I told them it was my first time…doing Ironman! hahaha
#Singapore #ToastMasters #Improv #OpenMic #LostInTheMoment #PublicSpeaking #PublicSpeaker #PracticeMakesPerfect #RaceMorning #MyFirstTime #Ironman #RatedPG