Letter of Gratitude: 2016

Dear 2016,

Thank you for providing a year of love, lessons, and opportunities to thrive! During the year I accomplished a fair bit…

I learned how to swim. I completed my first triathlon. I received my first cheque for MY company. I completed my first #ironman . I completed my first #Ragnar . I wrote 87 letters of #gratitude . I launched 2 websites. I made 38 business pitches (solutions to end poverty). I lost count of the connections I facilitated. I watched at least one sunrise/sunset per week. I learned #TRE (trauma release exercise). I gave my first #publicspeaking speech. I won an award at #Toastmasters (table talk). I was a #guestspeaker at a high school. I strengthened my #ladyboss network. I learned how to do a flip turn in the water. I was promoted to lane 2 in #swimsquad . I overcame my water #anxiety . I visited 5 countries. I spent 24hrs in #Taiwan to celebrate a friend’s birthday. I went to #hongkong to support a friend leaving Asia. First time in 10 years, I celebrated my birthday with my parents ON my birthday. I fell in love. I had my heart broken (a few times). I #cycled over 50,000 km. I was bitten by a jellyfish. I was the #bestbaker or the ‘brownie girl’ in my newbie #triathlon group. I was a race sharpa for 3 friends. I was asked to advise for 2 start-ups. I was offered a castle outside London. I was asked to provide children to 2 different men #goodgenes (I should really put these stories in a book hahaha). I had a fashion show at 507 and STILL FIT into my high-school clothes!!! #goodjeans . I had at least a letter a week from someone saying that I inspired them in some way. I learned how to develop an app. I took a #Roadtrip in the USA with my Mommabear. I taught Jax how to chase squirrels. I was adopted by an Indian couple in Texas. #GuardianAngels

I invested my time to coach others (mostly ‘anything-is-possible’ mindset). I threw myself into service. I forgave (fully) those who hurt me. I sought forgiveness from those I hurt. I tried to understand the thinkers (I love the dreamers but my tribe is definitely the doers). I started writing a book. I stopped thinking I was broken #biggestaccomplishment . I stopped allowing toxic people in my (head) space. I learned to say ‘no’ without explaining why. I put myself first. I perfected my spinach lasagna, roasted pumpkin, AND guacamole. I accepted that I’m extremely structured #planningiskey . I stopped apologizing for being amazing. I’ve embraced that my superpower is my heart. I still struggle to set boundaries and try not take things personally.

I NEVER gave up! #resilience

I realized the sweetest words anyone can say ‘I believe in you’ ‘you have a beautiful soul’ ‘because of you, I accomplished this’. I tried my hardest to use one of these phrases weekly. #live #laugh #love #phenomenalyear #crushinggoals #beamazing #tooblessedtobestressed #happynewyear #2017 #hitmewithyourbestshot #corvostyle

I’m excited for 2017!

With love and positive vibes,


#LetterOfGratitude #2016 #Recap #Accomplishments

Published by Jessica Corvo

Health Coach. Mental Wellness Advocate. Ironman. Global Nomad. Warrior of Love.

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