Dear Grandpa,
I miss you. I miss you every day. I miss being able to call you [in tears] and not have to explain anything. I miss how you were able to force everyone to behave themselves. I miss the lens in which you viewed life. I miss feeling that everything was going to be OK because I knew you were always in my corner, without question. I miss that you were always there to answer my calls. I miss you making time for me each time I came home to visit. I miss telling you when someone upset me and your first reaction was either “naw, it’s not worth it” or “do you want me to give them a knuckle sandwich?!”
I miss hanging out at 1007. I miss having someone that believes wholeheartedly in my ability to get something done. I miss your soft approach to life and ability to make everyone laugh. I miss the afternoons that we could talk about anything from living overseas to just enjoying quiet time in one another’s presence. I miss your hugs. I miss your laugh.
I miss the Doc, Bob or one of the neighbors coming by and commenting how they already knew about the wonderful things I was doing overseas. I miss hiding cookies from Mark. I miss making the salad whilst you taught me how to make Italian chop suey. (your food was always on the salty side).
I miss having someone that understands it’s OK to use the same glass for an entire day because sometimes you NEED that taste of old coffee in the same mug.
I miss arguing about that $20 ‘gas money’ that you always insisted I accept from you.
I miss the jokes you would crack when people were locking horns.
I miss you. I miss you every day. I miss you even more during the holidays…
(Thank you for being such an amazing man. Thank you for being someone worthy of missing. Thank you for continuing to look after me and the rest of the family from upstairs).
I love you.
#Letterofgratitude #Family #Love