Narcissistic Abuse is death by 1,000 papercuts

As expected, there is a wave of abuse that is brewing. The abuse is not directed towards me because abusers have accepted that I have grown. I am strong enough to set [healthy] boundaries and hold people [publicly] accountable for abusive behaviour. My growth is the subtle shift from testing my threshold of suffering inContinue reading “Narcissistic Abuse is death by 1,000 papercuts”

Why Ironman? (#WhyITri)

Things are constantly shifting but my ability to troubleshoot has remained consistent. My ability to find a solution to re-spark the magic is kind of ridiculous. My ability to soften explosive situations should warrant a PhD in AWESOME. So today, I’m opening another layer to share why I picked Ironman. I grew up with aContinue reading “Why Ironman? (#WhyITri)”

Letter of Gratitude: My readers

Dear Readers, Thank you. Thank you for passively (or actively) following my journey. I’m over the moon with love and humbled at the same time. (37 countries!!!) I’m not certain that I’m deserving of your time but I appreciate you joining my journey. I am in the process of purging a LOT of hurt. MyContinue reading “Letter of Gratitude: My readers”

Dear Mentally Unwell person, Thank you.

Day 21. Freewriting. My focus is all over the place and I need to get this off my chest. I will not name my specific abusers so I’m just going to lay it all out there. It’s not a single person but if you are reading and think you have wronged me, chances are youContinue reading “Dear Mentally Unwell person, Thank you.”

Focusing on the Good does not mean Forgetting the Bad.

“You wouldn’t know how we feel. You come from White Privilege.” “Your life is just so perfect. You’ve never had to deal with hardship.” “Everything is just so easy for you. Pretty girl privilege.” Last week, these were statements made to me when I tried to discuss ways to move forward (solutions). My opinion, theseContinue reading “Focusing on the Good does not mean Forgetting the Bad.”