Shifting from Survivor of Gun Violence to Thriver of Life

Exactly 4, 015 days ago, my father threatened to end my life with a loaded gun. In other words, 11 years ago I was almost killed.

Within those 11 years, I have climbed corporate ladders, spoiled my mom with sponsored trips around the world, crossed many finish lines (including Ironman), seen therapists, worked with coaches, lived in different countries… fallen in love. And learned how to love myself. When I say love myself, I mean I stopped allowing half assed people into my world. I live big. I expect others to live big, too. The journey has not always been easy. Breaking my silence and sharing my story of recovery cost me a lot. It nearly cost my sanity.

I spent the day, similar to others, greeting the clouds. Thanking my guardian angels for looking after me. Enjoying breakfast. Teaching fitness. Laughing. Leaning into my soft moments – calling a friend to feel less alone. Appreciating the entire survivor community. And this afternoon I made 2 professional videos. I offer 3 services. A kind soul insisted it was time I leveraged my website as I leverage LinkedIn. Generate leads and bring home the figurative bacon. So yeah. Heck yeah. Today. On my 11th year anniversary of being a survivor of gun violence, I held space for my continued recovery AND I filmed 2 videos to help promote my professional services. Truth be told, I have no idea what the finished product will entail. All I know is I was feeling dainty. I was feeling empowered. I was feeling grateful. Facebook has been my unfiltered canvas. Chances are a majority think I’m batshit crazy. That’s perfectly OK. 🤷‍♀️ I have already secured contracts with incredible companies as a wellness consultant AND in the last two years, I have coached clients in eight countries. I’m doing something right. So here’s to another 11 years… maybe more.

4,015 days ago, my life could have been taken from me but it wasn’t. I’m here. I’m loved. I’m still a cheeky monkey. And truth be told, I spent an hour straightening my hair. I much prefer spandex… but man can I (still) wear a dress.

Feeling myself. Grateful on so many levels.

Happy 11 years to me. Aka birthday 3. Today was PFM. Pure. Freaking. Magic.

PS. Stay tuned for the video. Being a survivor of trauma… and hosting trauma informed workshops for companies struggling with World 2.0. Yeah… I was made for this next chapter. Call me, maybe? I love people. SINCERELY.

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